Bee & Honey Blog

  • The Rise of the Robots - A.I. (Artificial Ignorance)

      There is a mixed sense of tense admiration and warranted fear when it comes to the use of robotics. We realise, and in some cases, reluctantly accept that we are moving into a world where automated robots will perform tasks within our societies. The vast majority of countries function on capitalised growth and this growth is seen as infinite. But how can we have infinite growth on a finite planet? The result of this forced approach is the suffering of our planet and it’s natural species (including humans). What is astonishing is that some of our institutions do not...

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  • An interview with 'theculinarybee'

      We recently had the opportunity to interview Annie who is the lady behind ‘theculinarybee’ on instagram. We are so fortunate to be able to collaborate with her and she has been giving us some truly wonderful recipes to showcase on our website. Don’t forget to check out her mouthwatering recipes on her Instagram page too: So how long have you been cooking? I have been cooking since I could learn how to walk. My parents were wonderful educators about everything that they would do in the kitchen. My earliest memory is of my mother handing me some honey toast...

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  • Sweet Dreams & Bee-auty sleep

    Sleep....Everyone needs it, many don't get enough of it, some get too much of it and on a Sunday morning almost all expect to prolong it.  But would it surprise you to know that Bees also need sleep and in fact they do sleep, on a average of 5 - 8 hrs a day. Depending on their specific duty within the hive, their sleep pattern can be the same as ours in a day and night cycle. This is more common for the forager bee that is unable to forage at night.  The fact that honeybees slept was first discovered...

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  • The Appraisal Of the Bee

    Introduction  When observing the honey bee, we can see that it carries within it the finest of qualities and characteristics. This tiny miraculous creature is a signpost pointing to good character and the result of this good character is sweetness. Its acts and actions are small but it’s influence is vast and necessary. Not only does it produce one of the most complete health giving substances known to humans, it displays the most wonderful character in it’s endeavors. When one reflects on this shining example of being, we come to the realization that there is also a cure and sweetness...

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  • The 'Essence of Preparation' - Inside a Winter Hive

    Winter...the season of cold weather, less daylight, the common cold and rain. What a wonderful time.  But one positive thing in the modern age is that in most cases, we do not have to consider food supply. We can purchase almost all the same foods in winter as we can in the summer. Long gone are the days of having to store up food in order to survive  and long gone are the days of having to store up wood to keep the fire burning for warmth. The advent of winter has become far less perilous for us modern humans...

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  • Our Top 5 'Blow your mind' Bee Facts

    At this point, we truly have to ask ourselves if there is anything that does not fascinate us about the bee. We have talked for hours on end about the wonderful medicinal benefit of pure raw honey and also how wonderfully exciting it is to observe such a beautiful creature and take lessons from its existence. As research dives deeper and deeper into the short life of this exquisite provider, there is still more to learn. time-old fashion, we have listed our Top 5 favorite amazing bee facts that will blow your mind!    1. It would only take around one...

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