Natural Source of sugar Sugar is broken down by the body and is used as energy. Some foods such as fruit have simple sugars that can be broken down easily and that can be said with refined sugar. Normal sugars contain 50% Fructose and 50% Glucose and when broken down can lead to a surge in blood glucose. Different from refined sugar, Raw honey contains only around 30% Glucose and around 40% fructose and the remaining 30% is other complex sugars. What this equates to is the body taking longer to break down the sugar resulting in more calories burned...
The use of the word ‘Raw’ is a relatively new phenomenon and it can be interpreted as meaning ‘Real’. Like in most things we seem to be going full circle. We have traditions and cultures that have, for thousands of years, consumed natural foods. Then along comes the idea that if we modify things they will last longer and be more appealing. After this, we realize that these very things can be harmful or non-beneficial then we revert to the original pattern of eating ‘real’ food. It is easy to see the benefits of GM foods, they cost less, last longer,...
Raw Honey is such a wonderful food. It tastes amazing, good for you and it's natural. The wonder of such a remarkable liquid is that through getting to know about Raw Honey and its characteristics we come to understand the wider environment. Education on the difference from season to season and the slight variances in taste and colour brings a sense of connection and the understanding that this simple jar of honey is a sign post pointing to the wider world. One of these is the knowledge of how our raw honey is labelled. We simply can't just label our...
All of us who have a family are fully aware of the contribution sugar makes to our family's diet. With a little research, we can easily find out the negative effects of processed sugar and can avoid it as much as possible. The difficulty is replacing it with something that is equally as sweet but doesn't contain any harmful effects. Even better to find something that is wholesomely good for you at the same time. In addition, it is so difficult sometimes to ply the children away from heavily marketed sweet brands that seek out our children without feeling that we...
It is in the wonderful observation of the bee, how it functions and its character, that we can derive one of the most inspiring attributes. In all the busy work that happens within the hive, the constant traffic in and out as valuables are delivered, the interactions and transactions that take place on the journey of the forager bee, there is one constant that lays beneath their world of multiplicity.... and that is presentness. This heightened sense of presentness is visible in all nature, but with the bee, it is coupled with servitude and common unity. Every tiny facet of its...
There is a big difference from Raw Honey and the common conventional honey you might see on supermarket shelves. Many of these conventional honeys are labelled as 'Pure Honey' and this is not completely false, but the key is in how the honey is processed. Below is three processed used with conventional honey. ORIGINS Honey is collected from hives from different regions or countries and usually from the cheapest . These honeys are usually labeled as coming from EU and Non-EU countries (Basically anywhere in the world). There is no indication of the source or floral. BLENDED & BOILED It...