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The Presentness of the Bee

It is in the wonderful observation of the bee, how it functions and its character, that we can derive one of the most inspiring attributes. In all the busy work that happens within the hive, the constant traffic in and out as valuables are delivered, the interactions and transactions that take place on the journey of the forager bee, there is one constant that lays beneath their world of multiplicity.... and that is presentness. This heightened sense of presentness is visible in all nature, but with the bee, it is coupled with servitude and common unity. Every tiny facet of its being is subdued with the signpost of presence. From the small hairs on its body that pick up the electromagnetic signals from plants to the delicateness it displays when collecting nectar from the flower, it remains in a constant state of presence with whatever action it is performing. It is as though being present is the requirement and the fruit of this is gratitude. 

All great athletes and artists are aware that being present is integral to success. There is a bliss within being present. That is why in most cases when athletes are at the pinnacle of their performance, a basketball player taking that perfect shot, a boxer throwing that perfect punch, there is this serenity that manifests from being present with that very action. In the sport of archery presence is an absolute requirement. When one has entered that place and the arrow is released, through that sense one can foresee where the arrow will arrive before it hits the target. 

Today we live in the world of mind, fear of the future, lamenting over the past and this fear tends to guide us in our decisions. But imagine if the bee was concerned with its future! It would be petrified beyond belief. But yet the anchor of their present state saves them from such a fright and with grace and conviction, they continue ever connected to what is in front. And from their actions, we continue to benefit.  

If we stop and ask ourselves 'Is there anything wrong right now, at this moment,?' the vast majority of the time the answer is no. That is where the humble bee that place, the place of present. 




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